
Router ea boemo ba indasteri ke Khoro e se nang Waele e nang le WIFI, boema-kepe ba 1 WAN, boema-kepe ba 4 ba LAN.

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

 Thepa e nka processor ea puisano ea MIPS e sebetsang hantle haholo indastering;

 E ts'ehetsa VPN (ho kenyeletsoa PPTP+L2TP+MPPE le IPSEC+ GRE), IPTABLE firewall, static and dynamic routing, PPP client, DHCP server le DHCP client, DDNS, firewall, SNAT/DNAT, DMZ host, WEB configuration, tšehetso APN/VPDN.

 Ts'ehetsa ho daela ha othomathike ka mor'a ho tima, 'me u boloke ketane ea puisano ka bo eona, e netefatsang hore sehokelo se lula se le inthaneteng, hape se ts'ehetsa lits'ebetso tse joalo ka mesebetsi ea othomathike ea inthaneteng le ea kantle ho marang-rang.

 Sistimi e na le ts'ireletso ea WDT ea balebeli, 'me ts'ireletso ea ts'ireletso ea SWP (System Watch Protect) e boetse e laetsoe.

 Sehlahisoa se fetile teko ea motlakase ea 3000V;

 Sesebelisoa se tšehetsa tšebetso ea LAN WIFI (802.11 a/b/g/n) le WAN 3G/4G/WIFI network network network.

Lintlha tsa router ea boemo ba indasteri (1)
Lintlha tsa router ea boemo ba indasteri (1)

Boemo ba indasteriIR-87X

·5G khokahanyo e feletseng ea marang-rang · khahlanong le tšitiso · molebeli · boemo ba leholimo · tikoloho · mosebetsi

Lintlha tsa router ea boemo ba indasteri (5)

Moqapi oa ndustrial

Mochine oohle o amohela moralo oa indasteri;Sistimi e na le ts'ireletso ea IT ea balebeli le System Watch Protect (SWP).

Lintlha tsa router ea boemo ba indasteri (6)

Sehlahisoa se fetisitse teko ea motlakase ea 3000V;Sehlahisoa se na le theknoloji ea patent ho boloka botsitso ba tsamaiso, ho netefatsa hore thepa e lula e le Inthaneteng;Kamora moralo o thata, tlhahlobo le lilemo tse 8 tsa ts'ebeliso e sebetsang, ts'ebetso ea sehlahisoa e tsitsitse ebile e ka tšeptjoa.

Lintlha tsa router ea boemo ba indasteri (7)

Khokahano e ikemetseng kantle ho Marang-rang ka ts'ireletso ea balebeli

Sistimi e sirelelitsoe ke WDT, mme sistimi ea Watch Protect (SWP) e kentsoe.

Thepa e nka mochine oa puisano oa MIPS oa boemo bo phahameng ba liindasteri, mokhoa o kentsoeng oa nako ea sebele oa ho sebetsa e le sethala sa ts'ehetso ea software, tsamaiso e kopanya mefuta e mengata ea liprothokholo tsa puisano ho tloha ho lera le utloahalang la khokahanyo ho ea ho lera la kopo, 'me e tšehetsa VPN ( ho kenyeletsa PPTP+L2TP+MPPE le IPSEC+ GRE), IPTABLE firewall, static and dynamic routing, PPP client, DHCP server le DHCP client, DDNS, firewall, SNAT/DNAT, DMZ host, WEB configuration, tšehetsa APN/VPDN.

Lintlha tsa router ea boemo ba indasteri (3)

Ts'ehetsa ho daela ha othomathike ka mor'a ho tima, 'me u boloke ketane ea puisano ka bo eona, e netefatsang hore sehokelo se lula se le inthaneteng, hape se ts'ehetsa lits'ebetso tse joalo ka mesebetsi ea othomathike ea inthaneteng le ea kantle ho marang-rang.

Sistimi e na le ts'ireletso ea WDT ea balebeli, 'me ts'ireletso ea ts'ireletso ea SWP (System Watch Protect) e boetse e laetsoe.

Sehlahisoa se fetile teko ea motlakase ea 3000V;e na le theknoloji e nang le tokelo ea molao bakeng sa ho boloka botsitso ba tsamaiso ho netefatsa hore thepa e lula e le Inthaneteng;moralo o tiileng, ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le e tšepahalang ea sehlahisoa, le ts'ebetso e ntle haholo ea mocheso o tlase le mocheso o phahameng.

Sesebelisoa se tšehetsa tšebetso ea LAN WIFI (802.11 a/b/g/n) le WAN 3G/4G/WIFI network network network.Sistimi e na le mesebetsi ea ts'ireletso e kang WAN communication VPN tunnel le netefatso ea ts'ireletso ea phetiso ea WIFI LAN.Lemoha khokahanyo e se nang moeli ea LAN e se nang mohala le WAN e se nang mohala, le ho fa basebelisi lits'ebeletso tsa marang-rang tse potlakileng, tse bolokehileng le tse tšepahalang.

Lintlha tsa router ea boemo ba indasteri (2)

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: